I’ve always taken a special interest in names- they often are an indication of who a person is (or at least, who the person’s parents would like him/her to be). Each name has a form of meaning- ‘Grace’, ‘Melody’, ‘Richard’, ‘Joy’ and ‘Faith’ are names derived from adjectives; ‘Samson’, ‘Paul’, ‘Daniel’, ‘Joan’, ‘Arthur’ carry strong qualities, while others just sound like fighting-effects in cheap Tamil movies, like ‘Piao’ (He’s a great dude btw)
In the past I used to harbor a degree of resentment with the choice of my name. Many people would associate my name with an adjective that sounds exactly like it, and ask me whether I’m living up to it. Today I’ve come to accept it (I like it actually) and the expectations attached to it, but only because there are certain names God has given us to let us know who we are in Him. Just thought I’d share this here.
He has called us His workmanship, created with purposes and plans which have been prepared long before our birth. The same hands that formed the galaxies immeasurable and stars uncountable formed us. More than conquerors, we are created to be unstoppable, immovable and capable of rising above trying circumstances. Forgiven and adopted, we are new creations, made great by a great Maker. Blessed and chosen, we have talents and qualities generously bestowed to do good works. Justified, we are vindicated when we choose not to fight back and absorb undeserved flak. Friends of God, we are in good company. Complete, we are never in want. Protected and made strong, we have a calling to protect the helpless. And above all, loved- we will never run out of giving love.
In a lesson I taught my cell was a line on the notes that quotes W. Shakepeare,
“Be not afraid of greatness: some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them”
Many of us do not feel great, much less have the word associated to us. But what is greatness? A position in society? Seven digits in your bank account? A busload of admirers? More ‘A’s’ in your results slip than in a stamp factory? Greatness is when you live up to the name God has called you by and the plans He has set for you, and accept who you are- that He has called you to be. Some of the names are naturally part of us, some are difficult to imagine or live up to. Like natural names given to us, God calls us differently- because He has made us differently.Regardless, we all have a race to run. A price to win. A challenge to compete in.
And the confidence that we are named.
Tmr marks the official start of university life. :>
"Men, what we do in life echoes in eternity" - Gladiator