Some of the guys in my cell, after a hike in FRIM. A good bunch who remind me of my own youth.
Photo courtesy of Jonathan, taken during the camp briefing in the youth camp. I served as the Camp Commandant last year, and thoroughly enjoyed the process of planning and executing our plans.
The committee, whom I appreciate very much and are dear friends to me.
The 145 of us, unprepared for the shot. Photo courtesy of Leo.
This is Eugene Koo, my treasured team member, who leads the group of young guys with me.
Watching Vegetales intently with some friends, during the Christmas Eve Party.
Christmas Day, with Meng Yoe, Joey and Kar Kien.
This is Jason, a close friend of mine from the days of high school whom I think has never been mentioned here. We meet every now and then, and during each time, share and exchange ideas, thoughts and dreams. Soon, Jason leaves to Tasmania to further his law studies.
This is a reluctant 'Arsenal' fan whose picture I thought is worth displaying. My fellow 365 committee member and buddy, Daniel Chia.
Chien Aun, another friend who leaves to continue his studies in Monash Australia soon. A person of well balanced opinions and good sense, I enjoy many engaging conversations with him.
This is a shot of a MUFY orientation session in which I came along to assist my youth pastors in, speaking as a Monash student on university life.
I decided to spend the rest of my holidays helping out at a home for disabled and handicapped children during my free time. The experience alone has many colours to it, and I thoroughly enjoy the kids there. Many have terrible stories to tell, and many of these stories need to be told to the rest.
Have a good week, to all of you.