It is said...
An average woman, over a lifetime,
- Spends 2 years getting ready for a function
- Cleans her household and performs chores for 2 and a half years
- Cooks for 3 years
- Spends 6 years watching television
- Talks on the phone for 5 and a half years
An average man, over a lifetime,
- Spends 10 and a half years working in his office
- 6 months getting ready for a function (as opposed to 2 years for women)
- 1 year shopping
- 2 years exercising
- 3 years in the toilet (as opposed to 6 months for women)
One wonders how much can be achieved or experienced in a short lifetime of 70 years, when one is awake for 50 years (20 years spent sleeping), out of which 2 weeks are spent waiting for red traffic lights to change and 3 years are spent waiting for others (possibly getting ready for a function).
Truly, the average human doesn't have much time on his hands. God speed
Notice how most of it is not "essential" so to speak. Speaks a lot about our distractions and our focus eh? =)
KCA (just so you know who this is)
Yeah. Some of these things do take more time than they should...
A good reminder to 'count our days'
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