One has to mentally cope with the image of people leaving while you speak, though, because it is in front of a cafeteria- which is quite unlike the experience of public speaking in highschool/college.
Perhaps one of the joys of leading a cell is the opportunity to impart the little you have obtained yourself, through the previous cell leaders during the course of the years. Apparent awkwardness was the initial response I received last cell, when the topic was "Christians and Sex", but it later turned out to be one of the more memorable lessons we went through. Great young dudes, in whom I see hearts of gold and have much hope for. In light of that, here's something scribbled on a piece of rough paper sometime recently, during a sudden surge of thoughts while studying in the university library.
A good week to all
One heart, each
Why do hearts change?
When we only have one heart, each.
Why do we dilute what only one heart can give?
How many times can there be a ‘first’?
How are some things meant to be done once- given, again?
Few can be offered which has not been given before.
Still, that 'few' is worth the thanksgiving!
For when, more and more in us grows a longing
that comes from this heart for the very heart that moved to form it;
and when, we realize we don’t quite know many things,
because of the state of our heart - it is quite plain:
We do not know how to truly love!
Except, till we have a heart like His
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